Seed Cleaning & Treating equipment


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Clipper 324 with Arm and hopper option

Clipper Eclipse 324 Seed Cleaner

The Clipper Eclipse 324 is a small cleaner designed to meet the low maintenance and easy cleanout requirements of today’s seedsman.

Soybeans, wheat, corn
Rice, oats

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Clipper Eclipse 334 Seed Cleaner

Clipper Eclipse 334 Seed Cleaner

Is the second in a line of small to moderate sized cleaners designed to meet low maintenance and easy cleanout requirements. The 334 is engineered to fill the need for a conveniently sized, versatile cleaner, and is designed to be portable or stationary.

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Clipper Prelude 526 Seed Cleaner

Clipper Prelude 526 Seed Cleaner

The Prelude 526 offers a single-shoe assembly consisting of a Scalp-Scalp-Sift flow or a Scalp, Split-Sift Flow. All screens are 54” wide.

Small Seed 100 Bu./Hr.
Medium Seed 175 Bu./Hr. 
Large Seed & Wheat 200 Bu./Hr.

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Clipper Prelude 826

Cliper Prelude 826 Seed cleaner

The Prelude 826 offers two counter balanced shoe assemblies consisting of a Scalp-Scalp-Sift flow or a Scalp, Split-Sift Flow. All screens are 54” wide.

Small Seed 150 Bu./Hr.
Medium Seed 250 Bu./Hr.
Large Seed & Wheat 350 Bu./Hr.
Market Cleaning 1200 Bu./Hr. 

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Clipper Conquest 286 Pre-Cleaner for Seeds

Clipper Conquest 286 Pre-Cleaner

A two screen cleaner that utilizes two 86” length decks. Each screen deck uses 3-26” screen sections. This Seed Cleaner is designed to pre-clean and offers a top shoe assembly with a scalp screen setup and a bottom shoe assembly with a sift screen.

Range up to 1000 BPH of market cleaning

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Clipper Debearder Micro

Clipper Debearder Pro

• Debeard barley to improve test weight
• Clip oats to remove excess fibers, increase test
weight, enhance appearance and cleaning ability
• Break up alfalfa pods, grass clusters, flax balls, crested wheat, fescues, brome, and cassia bark
• Remove mold from pepper balls
• De-awn bronco grass (in oats), dill seed, celery seed 
• Hull “whitecaps” in wheat
• Polish tomato seed, and coffee beans.
• Break up Spelt Clumps

Range up to 500 BPH

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Clipper Office Tester Seed Cleaner

Clipper Office tester

Accurate, dependable performance for small lot cleaning, testing, or sampling. Popular with vegetable and flower growers and in seed stores for specialized cleaning, grading, and sizing. Many laboratory uses.

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Qsage debearder

Rub, De-awn, & Polish a Variety of Seed to Increase their Test Weight & Value.

Use with Cereals, Turf, Forage Prairie Grass Seed, Wild Flower, & Malted Barley

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Seed Cleaners - medium capacity

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Clipper Conquest 1360 Seed Cleaner

Clipper Conquest 1360 Seed Cleaner

A four screen cleaner that utilizes a single short 34” length scalping deck and three 60” length decks with various capabilities. This Seed Cleaner offers a top shoe assembly with a scalp-scalp flow and a bottom shoe assembly with a scalp-sift flow or a 2-way split sift flow.

Small Seed 100 BPH
Medium Seed 175 BPH
Large Seed & Wheat 300 BPH 
Market Cleaning 600 BPH

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Clipper Conquest 486 Seed Cleaner

CLIPPER Conquest 486 Seed Cleaner

A four screen cleaner that utilizes four 86” length decks with various capabilities. This Seed Cleaner offers a top shoe assembly with a split-scalp or a scalp-scalp or a scalp-sift flow and a bottom shoe assembly with a scalp-sift flow or a 2-way split sift f low. Six different product flows come standard.

Small Seed 150 BPH
Medium Seed 250 BPH
Large Seed & Wheat 375 BPH
Market Cleaning 1000 BPH

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Conquest 586 Seed Cleaner

CLIPPER Conquest 586 Seed Cleaner

A five screen cleaner that utilizes five 86” length decks. The Conquest 586 cleaner offers a top shoe assembly with a split-scalp or a scalp-scalp or a scalp-sift flow and a bottom shoe assembly with a scalp-scalp-sift flow or a 3-way split-sift f low. Six different product flows come standard.

Small Seed 150 BPH 
Medium Seed 250 BPH
Large Seed & Wheat 500 BPH Market Cleaning  1500 BPH 

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Clipper Ceres 686-2-4 Seed Cleaner

CLIPPER Ceres 686-2-4 Seed Cleaner

The newest six screen cleaner that utilizes 3-54” x 26” screen sections in each deck. A total of 175.5 Square feet of screen area. The New Ceres 686-2-4 cleaner offers a top shoe assembly with a split-scalp, scalp-scalp, or scalp-sift flow. The bottom shoe assembly also has 3 different flows so there 9 total flows that come standard with the machine.

Small Seed 200-375 BPH 
Medium Seed 400-650 BPH
Large Seed & Wheat
600-900 BPH 
Market / Pre Cleaning
1200-2000 BPH

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Mfroes Logo
M Froes GV 254 Seed Master Elite Seed Cleaner

Mfroes Seed Master Elite 254 Seed Cleaner

Small Seed 57 BPH
Medium Seed 150 BPH
Large Seed & Wheat 200 BPH

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Mfroes GV-260 Precision Seed Cleaner

Mfroes Precision GV-260 Seed Cleaner

Small Seed 100 BPH
Medium Seed 150 BPH
Large Seed & Wheat 200 BPH

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Mfroes GenX 8026 Seed Cleaner

Mfroes GEN X 8026 Seed Cleaner

Small Seed 165 BPH
Medium Seed 360 BPH
Large Seed & Wheat 550 BPH

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Mfroes C588 Seed Cleaner

Mfroes C588 Seed Cleaner

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Q Sage - Quality Seed and Grain Equipment logo
Q Sage Precision Air Screen Cleaner

Precision Air Screen Cleaner

• Pre & Post Air System (2-Air) with “HIGH” Static Fans – Standard
• Independent Motors for the Fan, Eccentric & Feed System
• Adjustable Eccentric Screen Shake Speed by the use of a VFD
• Precision control of Feed System by the use of a VFD
• Easy access to screens for cleanout and screen changes

Wheat 325 -1325 BPH
Depending on Model

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Seed Cleaners - Large capacity

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Clipper Precision768 HI-CAP Seed Cleaner

Clipper 768PC (Precision Cleaner)

A four screen cleaner that utilizes a single short 34” length scalping deck and three 60” length decks with various capabilities. This Seed Cleaner offers a top shoe assembly with a scalp-scalp flow and a bottom shoe assembly with a scalp-sift flow or a 2-way split sift flow.

Large Seed & Wheat
1,000 – 1,500 BPH
Market Cleaning
2000 – 2500 BPH

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Clipper Titan 44 Seed Cleaner

Clipper Titan 44 Seed Cleaner

An eight screen cleaner that utilizes eight decks. In the top shoe each of the 4 screen decks uses 4-26” screen sections with a split-scalp flow with the screens set at a 8 degree pitch . In the bottom shoe each of the 4 screen decks uses 4-26” screen sections with a 4-way split-sift flow with the screens set at a 10 degree pitch. A total of 312 Square feet of screen area.

Small Seed 325-650 BPH 
Medium Seed 650-1300 BPH 
Large Seed & Wheat
1300-2000 BPH
Market Cleaning
2500-3500 BPH

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Q Sage - Quality Seed and Grain Equipment logo
QSage High Capacity PRE Cleaner

QSage High Capacity Pre Cleaner

• Pre & Post Air System (2-Air) with “HIGH” Static Fans – Standard
• Collection Spouts for Scalpings/Siftings, making installation cleaner & simpler
• High Capacity Feed-Roll w/ Direct Drive Feed Motor; Optional Vibratory Feeder
• Independent Motors for the Fan & Eccentric
• Adjustable Screen Shake Speed by the use of a VFD on Eccentric Motor
• Standard Screens are 54” wide x 88” long

Wheat 700 -6600 BPH
Depending on Model

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QSage Rice Special for processing

Qsage Rice special

• All contact points are 304-2B Stainless Steel; 16Ga. pans, 10Ga. impact points
• Bottom Blast Air Screen Aspiration with Recirculating Air
• Collection Spouts for Scalpings/Siftings, making installation cleaner & simpler
• Optional Vibratory Feed
• Independent Motors for the Fan & Eccentric
• Adjustable Screen Shake Speed by the use of a VFD on Eccentric Motor
• Standard Screens are 60” wide x 116” long; 72” of Sift, 44” of Scalp
• Easy access to screens for clean-out and screen changes

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color sorters

LMC - Lewis M. Carter Logo
LMC - Carter Day Color Sorters

Vista Color Sorters

The VistaSort will remove foreign material (sticks, debris, stones), color defects (caused by disease, immaturity or moisture damage), splits, and undecorticated seeds in Pulse Crops such as Lentils, Beans and Peas. In Cereal Grains, all types of contaminants (sticks, hulls, stones), ergot, foreign material (i.e. wild oats), discoloured seeds, as well as immature and diseased kernels can be removed.

Vista Color Sorters-1 to 10 chute and Vista Color Sorters with iR -1 to 7 chutes models to choose from

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LMC - Lewis M. Carter Logo
LMC - Carter Day Destoner

LMC Roca Stoners

Developed to remove the heaviest and most dense foreign materials from dry, flowable products. Glass and metals, as well as stones and dirt balls, are prime examples of everyday contamination. The Rocas efficiently removes such contaminates from the product flows.

LMC Destoners come in 3 different sizes ROCA36, ROCA48, ROCA60 

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M Froes Destoner

MFROES 248AG, 448AG, 648AG Destoners


Counter Balanced Destoners Comes in 3 sizes with Capacities ranging from 2- 10tons per hour / 60 to 360 bushels per hour. 

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M Froes Destoner

MFROES 120-48AG Destoners


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Gravity Separaters

LMC - Lewis M. Carter Logo
LMC Gravity Separator

LMC Marc 300, 400, 500, and 500xl models

Customers expect any gravity separator to separate products according to specific gravity, however with the Marc you obtain better results as the Marc series has the capability to recognize extremely close differences in specific densities and work with any dry flow-able product.

LMC Gravity Tables Come 4 Different Sizes with Capacities ranging from 200 – 550 Bushels per hour. 

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ArrowCorp. logo
Arrow Corp Pegasus Gravity Table

Pegasus Gravity Tables

Pegasus Gravity Tables feature a unique deck configuration capable of maximum capacity and excellent separation accuracy. Low CFM & horsepower requirements along with easy adjustments.

5 models to choose from

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MFroes Gravity Separator

MFROES 800CB, 1600CB, and 2400CB gravity separators

Mfroes Counter Balanced Gravity Tables come in 3 sizes, Ranging in Capacities from 
1.25 – 5 tons per hour./ 50 – 200 bushels per hour. 

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Superbrix Table Separator SB

Table Separator SB

The SuperBrix table separator  incorporates 7-decks and a compact design, to ensure an efficient product separation by density for defective and peeled grain, impurities, and cross-contamination of multiple products.

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Bean Polishers and Belt Sorters

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Mfroes Bean Polisher

Bean Polishers

Improve the Quality and Presentation of Edible Beans and Soybean

3 models to choose from.
Capacities range from 2 to 10 Tons/HR.

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Q Sage - Quality Seed and Grain Equipment logo
QSage Bean Polisher

Qsage Bean Polishers

Improve the Quality and Presentation of Edible Beans and Soybean

6 Models to choose from.
Capacities range from 50 to 300 Tons/HR.

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QSage Soybean Belt Sorter

QSage Soybean Belt Sorter

Product is separated by differentials in spherical shape

  • Provides Key Sorting Operation Required by the Edible Soybean Trade
  • Seed Processors: Ability to reclaim seed that would normally be discarded
  • Provides rapid payback on equipment investment via precision sorting
  • Available in multiple belt levels from 4 to 16 to meet capacity demands
  • Precision Control of the separation by varying the Belt Speed, Feed-Rate, Belt Tilt, & Belt Slope

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LMC - Lewis M. Carter Logo
LMC Sizing Shaker

LMC Sizing Shaker

LMC Sizing Shakers are used to separate dry, flowable products by specific size. Their sizing shakers have proven themselves over the years by separating products such as peanuts, almonds, beans, and much more. They are capable of removing large objects like sticks and hulls and small particles such as fines and pieces.


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Separators - Indent, Rotary and Spiral

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ArrowCorp Premier Mercury Indent Separator

ArrowCorp Premier Mercury Indent Separator

The Premier Mercury is a new Patented Indent Length Grader Machine ideally suited to customers who require the removal of the indented cylinder on a regular basis, either to change indent pocket size or to clean up between seed lots or to regularly clean the cylinder due to an oil build-up.


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ArrowCorp Premier Modular Indent Length Separator

The entire Premier Indent Length Separator line is modular. This allows for the addition of additional Cylinder units to the suit the capacity demands of the application.


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Spiral Separator - Heavy Duty by Profile Industries

Profile Heavy Duty Enclosed Spiral Separator

The entire Premier Indent Length Separator line is modular. This allows for the addition of additional Cylinder units to the suit the capacity demands of the application.


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Profile Industries Single Open Spiral Separator

Profile Heavy Duty Open Spiral Separator

The Open Spiral uses include separating good seed from splits, weed seed, chaff, hulls, stems, etc. Spirals are also used to separate seeds of one kind from another depending on their shape and size.


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